Sunday, September 16, 2012

Aha moment, HelloMornings week 3

It wasn't what I was supposed to be reflecting on that morning, but it was an aha moment. This week we were digging in to 1 Peter 1:3-12. I would slow down a bit when the scriptures talked about the trials that we would surely suffer. It tells us that trials are merely there to prove our faith is genuine, and to help us develop endurance.
My mom would at times remind me by quoting the scripture that precious gold must be put into the fire. It is refined but not consumed by the flames. (it's driving me nuts that I can't find the exact reference, I will keep working on that. Perhaps it is a line from a hymn and not scripture?)
So, this week, the thought of trials was in my head. I thought about listing my trials. Pen in hand, I couldn't think of one! How amazingly blessed I am to not be able to list trials. Now maybe I am naive, or dim-witted, or optimistic. Reality is, yes I have trials, but in comparison to others, I have it very easy. All the 'icks' in my life are temporary.
So, what's a girl to do, who doesn't think she has major trials?
The aha was this. Perhaps God hasn't given me huge trials to test me (yet). But maybe He is watching how I react to the mini-trials in my life?
I have no crises trial, but rather mini-trials.
I don't know ladies. Any thoughts? I obviously haven't been to Bible school and perhaps dim-witted is the best word in this blog so far ;)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Blessings at Sick Kids

The thing about Sick Kids hospital...
It is filled with recent memories and most of them are pretty good. There were about 2 days that were challenging and draining, and one night of silent, hot tears and desperate tweets asking for prayers. God kept sending assurances and I have said many times since our weeklong stay in June, God's fingerprints are everywhere at that hospital.

So many times in June, as well as this past Thursday, I prayed prayers of praise and thanksgiving as well as humble questions. Why is my daughter so lucky? Why are we so blessed? How do parents do this in other countries? How do parents do this, who live at the hosptial, whose children never leave.

When we stayed for our week, Victoria was the eldest in our tiny wing. She was the healthiest there by a long shot. Most of her neighbours were transplant patients. One of her neighbour's little body wasn't accepting his transplant well. The parents and family were beyond tears, they were angry, questioning, asking, pleading, tired. I am sure at night they had their hot, silent tears. Or maybe not. There is a limit to how long you can emotionally keep reacting. At some point, I imagine you go numb, go through motions and conversations like a zombie.

Another little friend next to her had been there for four months. We rarely saw mom. When we did she had 2 other children with her. This small child / young toddler, too sick to toddle, was left being cared for by nurses and volunteers. Nurses are too busy to hold babies. Volunteers aren't always around. It was tough to listen to cries and not be able/allowed to intervene. What awaits that child when they go home?

How many parents would gladly change spots with us, to only have a child with a GI disease? No chemo, no radiation, no surgeries (at least not yet), all body parts.... A healthy child is such a miracle. That is one of the great things about SK. It reminds me how richly blessed I am.

My gorgeous girl had her scheduled MRI on Thursday night. She is such a trooper, it is astounding. We made it to the hospital with almost no traffic and we were able to snag a great parking spot. Everything went so smoothly, we arrived an hour ahead of schedule. The MRIs were running on time (blessing!). The barium she had to drink went down no problem and this was a huge relief, because when she had to prep for her scopes, the fluids she had to drink were a ....hassle. The doc was kind & funny and handled V well. There was one point that was pretty upsetting to her and he calmed her down quickly. Honestly, I sat with her the whole time and I was imagining myself in her shoes, at 9! It would be a challenge at this point in my life, and here she was, 9.... This girl amazes me. We finished by 9pm, hit the Starbucks in the lobby for a treat for her and some caffeine for my drive home. She was a great navigator, as my GPS was trying to send me some bizarre way. She was a bit emotional when we arrived home, just from being so tired. She was able to go to bed quickly and the next day was fine. (I was pretty beat, not from being up a bit later but the darn drive kicks my butt everytime).
So, with the MRI done, she got her wish. Saturday we went to get her ears pierced. You can't imagine a happier girl :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

kick crohns to the curb

So this is me and my girl V. This is one of my favorite pictures, in the whole world. No make-up, no fancy clothes or poses, just me and my girl, sweaty and happy. I couldn't have been more proud of her. It was just 2km, but to her it was like running a marathon. Two months before this photo was taken, she and I spent a week at Sick Kids hospital. She had numerous tests, many of them unpleasant, and we waited (and waited, and waited...) for a diagnosis. It was Crohns, which is what the medical team suspected. It isn't the best, but it is far from terrible. We can do this. I know she will have ups and downs. {She doesn't realize it yet}. But for this girl who couldn't do more than go to school then come home to sit or sleep, running 2km straight was a huge accomplishment. I am proud of her for this, and for so many other things. I don't want to forget how blessed I am.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hello Mornings, 2 weeks in

What a great challenge Hello Mornings is!

Just being 2 weeks in, I am happy and blessed by what a difference waking up before my some of my family is. Thankfully my son who often wakes up within moments of my feet hitting the floor, is quite content to sit and wait for me to finish my quiet time. (TV can be a good thing). After my quiet time reading the scripture, writing a few words or verses that speak to me, I ponder a bit about what I have read and spend some time in prayer. Then I get right into the exercise. I think this has been huge for me. As I mentioned in a previous post, I have gone through a brief season (Lent)of waking up early to spend time with God, but adding this exercise component has been great. I am finding I feel stronger and fitter (even though I am not physically different yet, I know it will follow). Getting the exercise done first thing has even motivated me a few times to get a second session of activity in later on in the day. I am not talking about huge sweat sessions, but a walk or jog with my kids after dinner, or playing at the playground instead of sitting.

Knowing I have to check in with my group keeps me accountable and motivates me to make sure I do these things.

I am really surprised with the level of honesty and vulnerability the group has shared with one another. Perhaps it's easier to be vulnerable because (I think) few of us know one another in real life. And let me tell ya, the bible knowledge and deep faith these women have, holy smokes! Truly awesome to get to know these women of faith.

Hello Mornings, just two weeks in = what a blessing. Thanks be to God. (and my good friend who put out the simple Facebook invite).