Monday, October 8, 2012

What if Jesus were me for a day?

A number of years ago, a catch phrase or slogan came out, "WWJD". It showed up on mugs, bracelets, T-shirts, posters, bumper stickers, you name it. It reminded people to pause and think about how Jesus would respond, re-act and behave in situations.
This past week of HelloMorning, week 7, we dug into 1 Peter 2:13-25. There are so many great teaching points in these verses, and so much challenge there. One of the verses that would cause me to stop, re-read and ponder was verse 15: "For God wants you to silence the ignorant ways of foolish people by the good things you do".
The Bible isn't beating around the bush here. Our conduct and deeds need to be exemplary. We need to stick-out in a crowd, we are set apart, we aren't to blend into a crowd. The Bible takes away any excuses in vs 21. Christ is our living example of how to live, behave and love. Our LIVING example, not just a guide book, or a list of rules. He came, walked the earth, faced tougher situations than I ever will, and it is recorded how He acted, re-acted, behaved, spoke.... I am called to follow this.

My Wednesday morning with the kids was brutal. My daughter had a 'crisis', her lunch wasn't what she wanted. By 7:15AM she threw her lunch in the green bin, yelled, screamed and cried that I am the worst mother in the world and she hates me. She also had to pummel her brother, and meanwhile the 3rd child was melting down because his socks were bothering him *again* (I need to get this kid different socks!). Oh, and I was in the shower for most of this, dripping wet. So, how did I respond? With yelling & screaming of course. I was in a hurry, V had to be dropped at school by 8am, which is the exact time I need to arrive at school for coaching.
Once everyone was where they needed to be that day, I was able to shake off the uglies from the morning. And I kept thinking, Jesus come back, come and be me for one day. Show me how to mother, parent, be a teacher, wife, coach, volunteer... I know you healed people, spoke to crowds, transformed lives, but Jesus, can you come and be me for one day? Show me how to be the perfect good mom who doesn't scream back when 3 kids are killing each other. Show me how to be the best french teacher, to classes of teen kids who hate french, whose parents think education is babysitting and teachers are lazy and greedy. Show me how to give of myself to others, but manage to leave something left over for my devoted husband, who is neglected as much as the cat. And Jesus, show me how to care for me, how to nurture myself because no one else does, and if I don't take that time, I am more apt for blow ups.
Dear Jesus, WWJD is a cute saying, but I am sort of wishing there was a bible written for me. I love that you healed, spoke to crowds, fed the hungry, but can you show me how to live my life?


  1. This is a lament, my dear friend, and I believe the Holy Spirit will answer you. Continue to put him first in your search for answers. <3

  2. Thank you for writing my prayer, girlfriend! Sounds like a day in my life too... mine was Thursday night... The funny thing was no one else knew my ugliness except Jesus and my kids...

  3. Yep, sounds like my life, too! Thanks for writing so openly and honestly. Just last night I freaked on my kids, when all I wanted was to have a wonderful night with them before I go away for a week. But I guess the stress of leaving my family, my job, my volunteering, exploded with my kids. Poor things.
    But we are only human. If Jesus would come for a day to teach us to be like him...Wow!
