Sunday, September 16, 2012

Aha moment, HelloMornings week 3

It wasn't what I was supposed to be reflecting on that morning, but it was an aha moment. This week we were digging in to 1 Peter 1:3-12. I would slow down a bit when the scriptures talked about the trials that we would surely suffer. It tells us that trials are merely there to prove our faith is genuine, and to help us develop endurance.
My mom would at times remind me by quoting the scripture that precious gold must be put into the fire. It is refined but not consumed by the flames. (it's driving me nuts that I can't find the exact reference, I will keep working on that. Perhaps it is a line from a hymn and not scripture?)
So, this week, the thought of trials was in my head. I thought about listing my trials. Pen in hand, I couldn't think of one! How amazingly blessed I am to not be able to list trials. Now maybe I am naive, or dim-witted, or optimistic. Reality is, yes I have trials, but in comparison to others, I have it very easy. All the 'icks' in my life are temporary.
So, what's a girl to do, who doesn't think she has major trials?
The aha was this. Perhaps God hasn't given me huge trials to test me (yet). But maybe He is watching how I react to the mini-trials in my life?
I have no crises trial, but rather mini-trials.
I don't know ladies. Any thoughts? I obviously haven't been to Bible school and perhaps dim-witted is the best word in this blog so far ;)

1 comment:

  1. K... I've had mini trials this week, each trial difficult, but not unmanagable. I'm overcoming them with grace and what has kept my head up the most was the realization that He only gives me what I can handle and things could be so much worse because I can handle more...I don't want to handle more, but I know I can.

    Lucky for me I also have friends who will keep me propped up and make me laugh when life makes me "twitch and itch".
