Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ignited again

Three hours was the total time of my escape getaway today.

Hubby's aunt came to watch the kids for a few hours so I could meet a church staffer for coffee. Our church happens to do the BEST Children's Ministry in town (or very likely this part of Ontario, maybe even ALL of Ontario!) She is the Children's ministry director and I have been a volunteer in one of the children's environments since we started. I love what we do, and I feel grateful for what we offer kids (and parents) every Sunday morning. BUT, I got burnt out. Once I was at church it was fine, but some Sunday mornings on my way to church, (with my three monkeys fighting in the back seat), I was thinking WHAT ON EARTH AM I DOING? I am a mom of three, and I teach kids full-time, so by Sunday I am a bit 'done' with kids.

Maybe it's time for you to evaluate what your time is spent on, and think about how passionate you are about it. Has your pep waned at all? Maybe you need to talk to an ironfriend. Is she noticing your change in attitude? Fresh eyes can shed lots of great insight.

I am blessed to know this staffer very well, and she knows my personality and my strengths. Luckily she is a super creative person, and I think she created this position just for me :) Finding this volunteer role that I am excited about and that I think suits my abilities, really invigorates me and gives me a boost. It's amazing how one conversation, and one re-direction can re-ignite enthousiasm.

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